Tag Archives: freedom

Choosing Life Over Loans

I recently read a brilliantly written article by Lee Siegel entitled, “Why I Defaulted On My Student Loans”. In summary, Siegel recounts her choice to not pay her student loans back in order to continue living a full life that was not solely based on making money, paying bills, and dying at the end of it all. She calls out how, unfortunately, our society often looks upon one who is in debt for their education, and not doing all they can to pay their loans back as soon as possible, as someone who is irresponsible and displays a lack of good character. She argues, however, that building good character in the eyes of others requires actually living and enjoying life, seeing and experiencing the world, and nurturing relationships with others. The article is very thought provoking, and I agree with much of what she says. Take a read here: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/opinion/sunday/why-i-defaulted-on-my-student-loans.html?referrer&_r=0

You see, I myself have a decent amount of student loans to my name, along with 42% of my generation, and so Siegel’s article speaks to me on many levels. Now, to all my family members and close friends, please do not fret; I have no intention of defaulting on my student loans. Though, I also do not plan to work myself into unhappiness and depression over said loans. Some would argue that the wisest course of action would be to put my head down, work myself to the bone, all the while turning down opportunities for rewarding life experiences, until I have managed to pay back my loans. Maybe then, after I have paid back said loans, can I then decide to begin truly living my life. Personally, I don’t find this a wise course at all. Continue reading

Johnny Goes to Paris!

Hello, or I guess I should start saying, Bonjour!, because I am headed to Paris today! I will be exploring the city of lights over the next week as it has always been a top destination of mine. And bonus! I am even taking a quick side trip to Munich, Germany to meet some friends at THE Oktoberfest! Lots of adventures ahead!

Travel is something I am incredibly passionate about. In fact, I find myself dreaming all day at my desk at work about the different places I want to see in the world; there are just too many! I’ve reached a point in my life where I have decided to stop waiting for the right time to travel. I am only young and single once so I have decided to make the time and just go for it as much as I possibly can.

Last year, I went all over Italy, and it was literally the greatest time I have ever had in my 24 years of life. I went by myself, but hopped onto a great tour titled “Simply Italy” through Contiki Holidays, and it was there that I made a host of new friends and lifelong memories. Check out my guest blogs for Contiki here:

As I travel to Paris now, I travel alone once more. This time, there is no tour to hop on. I think there is much to be said about traveling alone; you are forced to be by yourself and figure out what the venture throws at you on your own, while at the same time you are also free to meet new people and quite possibly even new friends.

I am simply going to wander and see what this historic and iconic city that is Paris has for me. I honestly couldn’t be more excited. I feel so free and invigorated to be embarking on this journey.

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram: @johnnylapasta I can guarantee you that you will see many, many snap shots of my trip! You can also keep up with me by searching the hashtag #johnnynparis which I will be using to tag all of my photos.

I am sure I will have lots to blog about upon my return to the States! But for now, au revior!

Being Whole On Your Own

The world of relationships and love is a strange and confusing one; this we all know to be true. I myself have not had an exuberant amount of luck in this area. While I have dated and have had partners, I have not been so lucky as many of my friends who have found young love that would appear to be the kind that will last. Even though my time in the relationship and dating world has not been extensive and I have spent most of my early 20’s single, I feel I have made some important observations about relationships based on the ones I have seen and paid attention to as well as my own relationships. I believe that I have found a common theme in my relationship studies that can make or break a couple – whether or not the two beings involved in the relationship are whole and complete on their own.

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