
Ciao! I’m Johnny La Pasta. Welcome to my website! I am a movement & mindfulness instructor/writer & creator based in Long Beach, CA. This website is one of my passion projects through which I share content under the umbrellas of wellness, mindfulness, and spirituality. My intention in everything I write is to entertain, educate, inform, and inspire all of us to live our best lives. I sincerely hope you enjoy what Johnny La Pasta has for you!

Here is a little bit more about what content you can expect from Johnny La Pasta –

Mindfulness & Spirituality

I am passionate about mindful living and spiritual growth. Mindfulness and spirituality have continually become more central in my life and therefore my writing, content, and overall focuses. Within this category I will produce pieces focused on practices, perspectives, and philosophies I am working with and for you to consider.


Yoga has become an integral part of my life as a practice for my body, mind, and heart and has also become central in my career. I have been practicing yoga for over 11 years and have been teaching professionally for 8 years. Here I will share yoga content including sequences, tutorials, resources for other teachers, and the integration of yogic concept into our everyday lives.


Raised in an Italian-American family, I have always been a passionate home cook. Over the years, many people have asked me to share my recipes with them, which helped inspire me to enter the world of blogging. My recipes vary from traditional, indulgent Italian dishes that have been in my family for generations to healthy, wholesome concoctions that I have come up with on my own and support the healthy lifestyle I live. My recipes are generally simple, accessible for most levels, and real. My photos might not be Pinterest-mom quality, but if you follow the directions, you can trust you are going to taste great results. I hope you enjoy cooking these recipes for you and those you love!


I am all about creating a lifestyle that prioritizes physical and mental wellness. Of course, “wellness” comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors and there is no perfect formula for everyone. I am not a nutritionist, therapist, or expert of any kind, but I am an informed explorer and am happy to share my practices and what has worked for me to provide perspective for you to consider.


Travel has been a love of mine since I was young. I have spent a lot of my twenties traveling around the world exploring, learning, and enjoying. I will produce travel guides, briefs, and tip pieces for some of the destinations I visit and hope that these may serve you in your own travels!


I very much resonate with the affirmation “I contain multitudes.” I write and produce content about many different topics, typically all under the umbrellas of wellness, mindfulness, and spirituality, but anything goes!